
Posted By: Jack Mackey
Posted On: January 13th, 2017
Attending: Letterkenny Institute of Technology

As 2016 came down to a close, I spent some time reflecting on the happenings of 2016, both personally and in a world view. For me, I finished my college basketball career, graduated with a degree in economics, traveled the United States and moved across the Atlantic to pursue the next step in my athletic and academic career. In the world, we became more polarized, more divided, while still attempting to take steps forward. We lost sight of the incredible progress humankind has made by placing hate speak and divisive rhetoric in the public’s eye. We forgot that despite what saturates our television and computer screens that global violence, war and faminine is the lowest it’s ever been. We failed to remember that now more than ever we are more cohesive and united from a global view. Yes, there is still plenty of work left to do and horribile attrocities and events still occur, but constantly focusing on these occurances and their motives serves only as the spike driven between us, dividing us further. Instead let us harp on those who do good, who lift the standard of society and dedicate themselves to furthering the progress of the planet we live on. 

Aside from reflection, a New Year’s celebration also provides a clean slate. Regardless of what happened in the 365 previous days, the change of number on the calendar gives us a chance to restart. People often set ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ where people claim they will give up sweets or finally use that gym membership they have been pointlessly paying for for the last 2 years. For me, this year does not commence with a single, concrete goal, but rather with a more dynamic and fluid idea for self improvement and furthering my life. I ended my 2016 traveling France, Italy, Switzerland and England. It was a step back from the stresses and obligations of everyday life an it provided me with greater perspective and understanding of my priorities and what exactly I want out of this life of mine. Most importantly though, it gave me a chance to refresh and refocus, allowing for clearer mind and spirit to attack this new year with greater fervour than ever before. So for all of you out there facing this new year with a sense of uncertainity, relax and revel in the refreshing clean slate that a new year provides. 2017 is a blank canvas, lets paint it in a more positive light than we ended 2016 on. Happy New Year everyone.

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