More than just an Athlete

Posted By: NiaMoore
Posted On: February 23rd, 2018
Attending: Ulster University

Playing sports has without  a doubt blessed me with so many opportunities in life, for instance this current once in a life experience as a Victory Scholar in Northern Ireland that I am experiencing at this very moment. But I want to specifically focus on being more than an athlete in this blog post. In my opinion I think there is a misconception that athletes are just labeled within their sport and that is all they are or ever will be, and the truth is, that is one-hundred percent incorrect. Everyone is different and will have their own opinion on this topic but these are my thoughts. Being labeled as just an athlete is like being put inside a box in which you cannot come out off. Just because these athletes have found something they are good at and have had success in doesn’t mean they should be limited to just that. Honestly before I was an athlete I had way more important titles like a daughter, oldest sister, grand-daughter, friend and so much more, and even now I consider those more important than just labeling myself as an athlete. I think with putting yourself in one category you are hindering your evolvement as a human being and not allowing yourself to grow. Being comfortable continuously depending on the subject matter of course is not always a good thing if you want to move on and adapt in life to bigger and better things. But on the other hand for all those athletes out there who do believe that sports is all they know or have in life, use that to broaden your vision because it is not true, you have much more to offer to the world, even if you don’t know it yet. Continue to rise above the stereotypes in the world we live in today, there are a lot unfortunately but don’t use them as an excuse. Prove to the world or better yet just to the person that matters the most, yourself that you are much more than what comes to the eye of immediate glance.

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