Episode 6: Finals, Finals, and more Finals

Posted By: ArynMcClure
Posted On: January 22nd, 2020
Attending: Munster Technology University

During my undergrad I thought finals were an unnecessary assessment that professors distributed to students to asses students knowledge of material over a semester.  I thought this concept was the most inefficient way to test students ability to understand the course. To me,  tests are simply pieces of paper where people jot how much they studied or remembered which doesn’t acute to understanding the overall concept of the course or module.

Fast forward a couple years later and I still believe this. As you can see from my rant above I’m not a fan of tests.

Throughout, this semester in my masters course,  majority of the class assignments were group projects and zero tests. I learned more in my group projects than I ever did with taking tests in my undergrad. But, then three of my professors decided to have a final. As a result, my nerves during exam week were at a all time high. I had 2 projects and a final in one day. Then the following week I had 2 finals and a 20 page project due before I got on a plane back to New York.

Once the finals were over I realized in the moment you’re stressed with absolutely zero hours of sleep, 2 meals within the day, basketball practice, coaching, and most importantly last minute assignments that you realize that whatever you submit is good enough in that moment haha!!

Below are a few pictures that describe me during finals week…enjoy!!!


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