September 4th, 2011 | Uncategorized
Already another week spent in Ireland! Man, lots of stuff happened this week. Tim, Matt and I coached the ‘Bounce’ program twice and saw alot of improvement in the way the kids have been working on the court. For those who don’t know what the ‘Bounce’ program is, it’s basically a program created to help overweight children develop better habits in their lives. When I say habits, I mean anything from daily food intake to increased daily physical activity.
Mid-way through the week, our good friend Joe Coughlan asked Tim and I if we wanted to make a trip to Killarney Friday morning. Of course we said yes. A few hours later Joe lets us know that we’re also invited to a wedding in Killarney (more on that later).
Friday arrives, Joe picks us up at 7:30am and we head straight to Killarney. A few miles away from our destination, Joe takes our bicycles out of his van and tells us to bike to the church. Please keep in mind that we’ve never been to Killarney. We end up getting on our bikes, head on a bike path and try to make our way to the church.
A couple hours pass and we finally meet up with Joe outside the church after the wedding ceremony. He tells us the reception is at 5pm and we should be heading there pretty soon.
We get to the reception, get to meet the bride, groom, family members and countless other people! We had a great time and met some interesting individuals. Following a pretty good meal, we were once again dragged into another adventure by Joe. We hop into the van and head for the mountains of Killarney. We saw a bunch of lakes, a few mountains, ‘Ladies View’ and what Joe called ‘some incredibly big waterfalls’. As you can see by looking at the picture pinned to the wall, the falls aren’t that big! But seriously though, we did have a great time and the falls were actually very nice to look at. Felt like we were in an Irish Springs commerical even though we ended up hiking in the mountains of Killarney in our formal wedding outfits!