September 18th, 2011 | Uncategorized
Hey Guys! It was a great week in Galway. School got underway, including a team building day we spent with our Masters program up in Sligo. The day consisted of a multitude of activities and puzzles that were both mentally and physically challenging. Some were borderline impossible, but it was a lot of fun working together and getting to know other students in our program. These events were followed by a night out in Sligo with the other Management programs, as well as a few professors.
I had my first group meeting this week to put together a presentation for class tomorrow. Unfortunately, one of our group members didn’t show for the meeting. However, part of being involved in management is going to be dealing with such issues, so myself and the other group member dealt with it as necessary delegating to the missing member what they would have to do. I’m confident about the presentation tomorrow. Saturday was a great day at the Titans Academy. We had a tremendous turnout from the younger players in our club. It really is great to see their passion and desire to get better. They truly are getting better each week! We have our first scrimmage today and I’m psyched! It’ll be great to see how we measure up against another team. Wish us luck! – Tim