January 4th, 2012 | Uncategorized
Back in Galway and it’s right back into the gym! I arrived “home” as my Irish friends have said, from my holidays spent in New York. I have recovered from yesterday’s jetlag and was back at Titans camp today. We have camp the next couple days as this week they are running a shooting camp for our younger players in the club. We are working to help correct bad habits that some players have developed over their years playing, as well as start from scratch with some of our newer players.
Probably the best part about today was that after not seeing some of our younger players for a couple weeks, I was really excited to see them, and they to see me! One of the best feelings you can have is seeing a young player’s face light up when you walk into the gym. What’s more, is that they had camp last week as well, and I have already been seeing tremendous improvements in only the couple weeks that I was back in the States. It is incredibly encouraging to me to see how much better our players are getting, but is even more encouraging to them as they are starting to realize that through a bit of hard work they can really start to reach their full potential.
I’m happy to be back in Galway and am anxious to get the second semester of school started on Monday. I’m sure some of these classes are sure to be challenging as our curriculum will be including courses such as Irish Economic Policy and a Corporate Finance class which is always fun.
Our next National League match for the Titans isn’t until next weekend which should give us a chance to all get back together on the court and work on some things that will hopefully make us better this second half of the season. That’s it for me and once again it’s great to be back in Ireland!