Week 7
In this day and age, we have many different channels in which we can communicate: phones (i.e. picture), email, instant messages, etc. As I continue to grow as a young man, I am starting to really understand how essential it is to be able to communicate your thoughts and ideas to others in a clear manner verbally. As I am learning communication, yesterdays E-hoops session was also about communication and teamwork, which really go hand and hand. The activity was for one person to put a series of cones, balls, and beanbags in the exact spot in which they were on the opposite side of the grid. The catch was that they would be blindfolded while doing it and the only way they would know where to put each item is through their teammates’ voices. Another factor they had to account for was that they had to do it in 3 minutes.
At first, it was very difficult for the group to be able to give instructions and communicate to the blindfolded person in a precise, controlled, but fast manner. Saying this, as time went on, the communication improved tremendously and the group finished and accomplished their task. The lesson for me this week has been communication and how important it is for us in our everyday lives, and it was great to see the improvement of the E-hoopers just in yesterday’s session. Thanks for Reading!!!