December 10th, 2012 | Uncategorized
This is the last week of classes for Caroline, Jim, and I which is unbelievable!! These past 12 weeks have flown by and it’s hard to believe that the semester is almost over!! Unfortunately, we do have exams after our Christmas break, but to complete a semester of a Masters Level course is a blessing in itself.
To fill everyone in on our fun-filled weekend I talked about in my last entry, I will start with the bad news first: we lost in our National Cup game on Sunday afternoon. It was a tough game for us, but I believe that we will learn from it and regroup quickly for our last two games of 2012. As for the good news of the weekend, the U13 Junior Girls Elks won their game against Monaghan, which is Mrs. D’s old club and hometown. It was great to see the girls compete, persevere and get a win in what was a great and hard fought game between the two teams. I am proud of my team and I can’t wait to coach them in the games to come.
Lastly, since we were in Mrs. D’s hometown, I got a tour of Monaghan with Mrs. D, my Irish sisters, and the lovely mother of Mrs. D: Mrs. Brennan. Along with the tour of Monaghan, I also got to see the Castle Leslie in Glaslough where the like of Sir Paul McCartney was married. Toward the end of our Saturday, we went back to Mrs. D’s old house called the Brennan Farm. At the Brennan Farm, I got to see where Mrs. D’s basketball career all started, the basketball hoop her father built her (Picture). After our long fun-filled Saturday, we were able to relax for a couple of hours where we enjoyed cake (Mrs. Brennan is a great cook), biscuits (cookies), hot tea, and, to top our lovely Saturday off, the Justin Bieber documentary Never Say Never!
Although the weekend didn’t end up as well as I would have hoped, I still had a blast and I am truly thankful and blessed to have this opportunity!! Thanks for reading!!