Week 8

December 10th, 2012 | Uncategorized

It is the start of the final week of school for us up here at the University of Ulster – Jtown! Papers are due and exams have been set. There is nothing like a little pressure before the holidays, it only seems natural. Yet, I have noticed that many of us just seem to put pressure on ourself, it doesn’t come from anyone else. Being a Victory Scholar, you want to be the best you can be for the young people who follow your ever move. But going to Elks practice every friday night I have learned to embrace my inner youth and let go of all the pressure for a while. I have to thank the U14 & U16 girls for helping me do so, and reminding me that basketball is a game but what makes it special are the people you are with – the team you are apart of and in the mist of the holiday season there is nothing else you want more than to be with the people you enjoy the most! So for those who feel the pressures of papers and finals go hangout with some young ballers for an hour an or two and they will remind you of what it’s all about.


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