It’s exam week and with all of the studying I have come across a couple quotes in my articles on strategy that are worth mentioning. The first reads: “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there”. Now I find that to be true in all aspects of life, not just crafting a strategy. You need to define what it is you want, be as specific as possible, and focus all of your energy on it. Reflecting back to a little over a year ago, I knew it was clear in my heart that all I wanted to do was to continue playing basketball, further my studies, and begin coaching. Amazingly enough, I was soon inline with the Sport Changes Life foundation.
The second says “life is lived forward but understood backward”… This is powerful as well because too many times I found myself getting caught up in the Why? and How? of situations. It may not make sense right now, but looking back it’ll be so easy to connect the dots and understand why I was in that specific place, developed those certain relationships with coaches only to receive a random email from them later on saying “Hey G, thought you might be interested in this” with the SCL website attached… It will all fall into place if we just have faith that no matter where we are right now, we can always get to where we want as long as we make it clear to ourselves of what that actually is. The “how we get there” will make sense later once we get there and look back to make the connection. One thing I’ve learned and tell my teammates and players is to always focus on the end result, don’t worry about the “how”, that’s not our job.