May 22nd, 2013 | Uncategorized
Well we made it! I got through my exams, which I hoped I performed well on (fingers crossed) and had an amazing time in Hong Kong! Some of you may be asking why I was in Hong Kong? Well, part of the masters program (International Management) that I am apart of, gives us the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong to experience what the business culture consist of and how they do business over there. While we were over in Hong Kong, we attended a number of presentations from different companies who tried to explain what their companies does, what their business culture was and how much national culture plays a role in business. Along with the presentations we attended, we also had time to go sightseeing all around Hong Kong! The whole ten day trip was awesome! I have never experience anything like what I experience there. I was fortunate enough also to go with a great bunch of friends and classmates, which made the trip that much better. But now its over, which is sad to think about, but I want to take the chance to say thank you to my lectures for all their help and wish my fellow classmates luck in their futures! I know they will all be successful in whatever path they choose! Take care!