August 14th, 2013 | Uncategorized
What a first few days in Belfast! Saying goodbye to the Ben and the fam on Saturday was harder than I imagined, but after a good sleep at University of Ulster in my own room I have recovered and am ready to make the most of this year!
I want to say a quick thanks to everyone who made this experience possible, and hello to my friends and family across the pond! The first shoutouts of the year go to Mom, Dad, Ris, Ed and Benjamin. Stay tuned for more.
I had high expectations coming here for this experience, and since arriving they have only risen. I am blessed to be working with an amazing group of scholars from all over and a staff who really wants to make a difference not just on this island, but also across the world.
Things here are both very different and very similar to back home. I have quickly learned that I speak “American” and everyone over here speaks “English.” We are quickly adjusting to the phrases and all of us have already adopted “wee” into our vocabulary. My favorite saying so far though is definitely “happy days,” and everyone from back home will understand why!
My sisters planted wee notes in my suitcases before takeoff, and I’m going to end with them while they last, they are a good laugh, and really helped me through that first night.
#1 “KRATIE!” I don’t know if you found this one first, but HELLO! And welcome to our new favorite game show, Christine and Maddy’s Hilarious notes!
Training for the rest of the week, and then my roommate Shelby and I will be off to Dublin to play with one of the club teams against Yale!
Til’ next time, peacee