When in Dublin..

August 27th, 2013 | Uncategorized

Talk about a crazy week. After finishing training, we landed at Trinity Friday night. Since then, Shelby and I have been trying to get used to the Irish way of life. 


We have used the phrase “When in Dublin..” to apply to most of our decisions so far, and have to keep reminding each other we will be “in Dublin” for at least the next 9 months. We found two great restaurants, one for stir-fry and the other for burritos and already consider ourselves locals, frustrated by the hundreds of tourists on our campus at all times! Everywhere we make a purchase we ask for student discounts or frequent flyer cards and are ready to start living frugally!


We also discovered Penneys, a discount clothing store all over Ireland with awesome European clothes, and after our first trip it has already proven to be very, very dangerous for our small budgets.


Last night we had our first training session with the U17 Kubs girls we will be coaching all year. We worked them hard, and are excited for all the development and winning we will do with these ladies over the year! I also had my first official session (practice) with my Superleague team, the Meteors. Definitely different than practices run by Coach LeBlanc, but the coach and team are very welcoming. Team dinner and bonding this Friday, I’ll keep you updated on how that goes!


Final shout out to my baby sister Madelyn who officially moved to Holy Cross to start her freshman year and to Chris who also moved in yesterday! And of course to my parents who are officially empty nesters!


Love and miss you all, and am really, really enjoying this experience so far!

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