September 19th, 2013 | Uncategorized
I once had a management professor tell me: “You must get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Life is full of uncomfortable situations, no matter what your age. It is nearly impossible to avoid all situations that make you uncomfortable, so you may as well get used to those butterflies in your stomach, right? Easier said than done.
These past two weeks have been full of situations that have made me slightly uncomfortable. I have started preliminary classes as well as orientation for my MSc of Finance program here at Trinity College. Up until this point, Katie and I have been able to lean on each other. We have always known one another when entering into group situations, but not this week.
This week has been full of cheery introductions, sometimes-awkward small talk, and hopefully, the foundation of some wonderful friendships. Without Katie to talk to in my classes/orientations, I have been forced out of my comfort-zone and to meet new people. Although I love meeting new people, walking into a room full of strangers is still a bit unnerving. Rather than turning around and running away, I am taking Dr. Decker’s advice and embracing my butterflies. With what promises to be a challenging and intense academic year ahead, I know the relationships I begin to build now can and will be an integral part of my overall experience and growth, both as a student and person. While I don’t think I will ever be fully “comfortable” with being uncomfortable, this week has helped me take steps toward that ultimate goal. Looking back, I don’t think I realized just how powerful it can be to “get comfortable with being uncomfortable,” but now I certainly understand.
On a separate note, Katie and I have been up to plenty of other things in the past couple weeks, including finding our new favorite burrito place. Check out her blog here to read about it!