September 17th, 2013 | Uncategorized
Yesterday started out just like any other day in the states and just like that 13 people who went to work yesterday are no longer here because of a shooting rampage at the Navy Yard in D.C. Its just the usual things and people we take for granted, the jobs we go to that we despise and are ungrateful for… The sacrifices of others that we overlook because we’re moving too fast, too busy, too self-absorbed… too busy complaining to be grateful… And now 13 families are preparing for their funerals as we speak now. This might of occured yesterday, but it did not hit me until now after visiting City Hall in Belfast today and learning about The Belfast Coat of Arms that comes from Psalm 116:12, ‘Pro tanto quid retribuamus’ Translated from Latin it means “What return shall we make for so much”. We should tell people you love them while they are alive because as my grandfather would say give me my flowers now because when I am gone I will not be able to smell them. PRAYING FOR WASHINGTON DC!