I will stand tall.

October 20th, 2013 | Uncategorized

“This is your moment and every single minute you spend trying to hold onto it ’cause you may never get it again,” Eminem advises on repeat. Since the song was released in 2002 (holy cow, over 11 years ago), I would sing along, interpreting the lyrics on a day-to-day basis. Before every game we played together in high school,my sister Chris and I would listen to his words, inspiring us to give our all to the game. And as our years of playing together evaporated, the meaning intensified. Then as my college years flew before my eyes, these words even more so. And now, even my year in Ireland is flying. But I find that regardless of how often we are reminded to live life to the fullest, it is easy to forget just how lucky we are in our daily lives.


And it isn’t until something drastic occurs that you stop and appreciate your blessings. Given the unpredictable and inexplicable events that have occurred in the past 3 weeks, I am searching for a way to reinterpret Eminem’s lyrics. He implores us to persevere, give it our all, rebound from defeat and appreciate every minute of it.


Sports have an interesting effect on a person. They can be consuming, and we often lose sight of the point. I have spent the better part of this year stressing that having fun is more important than winning, but now I think that it really isn’t about either. Ya, they foster a competitive edge that will give you a leg up in the real world. Ya, they are a great way to have fun. But more than anything, it is the things we learn from sports, win or lose, that are the most important. In the end, we will all stop playing sports. Maybe they are taken from you, maybe you burn out, phase into coaching, etc. but your experiences with sports change your life. Appreciate every second of it. “I will not fall, I will stand tall,” and with the strength that sports have given you, have confidence knowing you will not collapse. 

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