October 20th, 2013 | Uncategorized
The first four weeks of grad school has flown by. I’m already a third of the way through my first semester. The biggest difference from undergrad and grad is that grad school is alot more hands on. We apply what we learn to various projects rather then getting tested on the material every week.
In my “Enterprise and New Venture Creation” class we have massive group project in which we created a start up business of tie dye socks. My fellow #Victory scholars Brian, Brittney, and Jared are joined by our collegue David. The five of us are the founders of JUST-DYE-IT!
Finance is the most challengeing module so far. However it will be interesting to take a look at the companies Tesco and Sainsbury’s finanical statements to figure out which company would be the better choice to invest in.
My favorite class Sport Policy, Planning & Implementation has been most interesting. We had the general manager from the Belfast Giants, a professional hockey team here in Belfast, come in as a guest speaker. He gave alot of insight to the day to day tasks he goes through.
I’ve learned alot through the first four weeks. Looking forward to classes this week as we break down more concepts and apply it to my projects.