November 6th, 2013 | Uncategorized
It has become a tradition on Sunday nights here in Belfast to have family dinners. It’s one of my favorite times of the week, sharing a great home cooked meal with some great people. After our Sunday night dinner this week, I stayed for awhile to hang out with the Maguire girls and Jess, their adopted daughter. I love the conversations we have, and the stories they fill me in on. They always bring back memories of my 15 year old self, while also making me feel like I am back home with my sisters. This week, we started talking about things such as school work, friends and what we wanted to do with our lives. As I was trying to inspire Jess with some motivational speeches and helping her set goals for herself, I realized so much of her focus was going to what she couldn’t do and what she didn’t have. This is something I think we all sometimes find ourselves doing. I wasn’t sure how to get across the point that anything is possible when you believe, until I remembered a Youtube video I had seen a few weeks ago that really touched me.
I accidentally came across the video after a friend of mine sent me a link to watch “The World’s Best Proposal” on Youtube. As if that wasn’t emotional enough, as if a sign from God, I came across a video called “My Last Days: Meet Zach Sobiech.” This story follows a boy named Zach Sobiech, who was told at the age of 17 he would only have a few months to live due to his Cancer diagnosis. It shows his last few weeks on Earth, and how he wanted to use those days to make a difference in our world. He wrote down his messages through his songs that he wrote and sang, the most popular being “Clouds,” which actually ended up being the #1 song on iTunes.
This is a boy who could have resented the world, resented God and the fate he was given, but instead chose to use his fate to inspire others. He saw the good in life, when he easily could have been looking at all the negatives. I think he is a true testament that those obstacles are thrown at you to become a stronger person, and to in return help others through those obstacles. He is a testament to the fact that things are okay when you believe in something greater than yourself in the world. I think this is why I believe so strongly in the work that programs like ours do on a regular basis. He is the prime example of what we aspire to do for young kids. Of course, Jess made sure to point out to me when he said “It’s not all about the grades you get, or the jobs you have..” but I think she got the main picture!!
In Zach’s last days, he loved, he lived, he enjoyed his passion in singing, and he inspired millions. He showed us all how we should all live our lives on a daily basis. One quote that really touched me was when he said, “It’s really simple, try and make other people happy. If you do this, you will make the world a better place.” How incredible is that? A 17 year old boy sharing with all of us that small piece of advice, that could change the lives of millions. I aspire to live my life in this way. Zach has achieved what he wanted. Even though he may not be living on this earth any more, I know he inspired Jess, Anna, Enya and myself on Sunday night. I hope this inspires others as well! WARNING! You will cry, but it will be well worth it.