November 7th, 2013 | Uncategorized
There is little better than someone putting a smile on your face, and this afternoon Shelby and I were laughing for an hour straight. As part of our commitment to Trinity Basketball, we are hosting basketball clinics for a pilot program with the NIID that gives participants the opportunity to learn about and participate in various sports. So far they have learned badminton, soccer, Gaelic football and now basketball!
The National Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (NIID) mission is “promoting inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities through education, research and advocacy.” Using our Sport Changes Life background, we ran a clinic teaching the basics—passing, layups, and the fan favorite, defense. We find that the best way to captivate a group is through this defensive drill—we called it Watts defense in college and I’m sure everyone has done it at camp at some stage in their basketball careers.
We yell defense, they yell defense and hit the ground. Slide right, three slides to the right. Foot-fire, you move those feet like they are on fire. REBOUND, and you grab that imaginary ball out of the air like your life depends on it. This drill is incredible: the more energy and enthusiasm I put into it, the more I get in return. And this group was by far our best. My favorite part, and the most rewarding, is when I ask for volunteers to lead the group. And today we had some great volunteers who had us coaches and the rest of the group panting through our laughter.
Our match—the Green Celtics versus the Yellow Lakers—ended in a draw. Sometimes it is refreshing to see just how important catching a nice pass or making a basket is to someone. And how much of an impact the smiles we shared today have on others.