January 14th, 2014 | Uncategorized
Although I don’t think any blog I write can beat my previous one, have no fear for I’ll keep writing anyway! I had an amazing short but sweet time home… that is since I actually made it home. From the moment I got off that plane it felt like I was running on pure adrenaline for ten days straight. My story about the airport angel spread like wildfire as my blog was submitted to various news stations in both Philadelphia and Galway. It was really sweet to see others appreciate the amazing ‘pay it forward’ ordeal that I happen to be a part of, and made my time at home truly special and worthwhile.
It was great to see my friends and family. I was even able to meet up with fellow scholar Kerri Shields a few times as we ironically live not too far from each other. We were able to attend the traditional Philadelphia News Year Day Mummers Parade and also watch our Philadelphia Eagles win the NFC East title, while enjoying amazing buffalo wings which I missed so much. Aside from the food and familiarity of being home, it was great to feel as if I had never left. Even though there were some minor changes since I’ve been gone; my little brother still isn’t so little anymore, my cousins are able to legally drink at family parties now, and I met an adorable little addition to my family for the first time, Abigail Jane.
The love and support from my family and friends over break was just what I needed to head into the second half of my year in Ireland. I’ve just started classes for my second semester of grad school this week and it looks like this last half of the year will be busier than ever. I’m ready to get back to work!