Perception, Doubt, and Confidence

January 25th, 2014 | Uncategorized

This blog is about a video a came across a while back:


Though the ad was obviously directed towards women, it applies to everyone. Really the main thing I felt while watching this video was sadness. It’s so sad that we put ourselves down so much on a daily basis. Some people do it more often than others, but everyone has been upset with themselves at one point or another. We all have varying levels of self confidence, but no matter who you are you’ve probably been critical of your own appearance. Tiny “flaws” that no one else on Earth would notice seem like giant red flags sticking out of our bodies for everyone to gawk at. But really, things that we consider flaws don’t usually appear that way to outsiders. Maybe you hate your freckles, maybe you think your nose is too big, or your voice sounds strange. It doesn’t really matter what it is, I think it would be extremely rare to find someone who loves every little thing about themselves. But what we seem to forget is that same idea… everyone is critical of themselves on some level. Everyone has their sensitive issues. I think that if you’re confident, and carry yourself as such then that is what will shine through. Everything else is secondary. Doesn’t mean people can’t aspire to change who they are or how they look. But being who you are will give an impression stronger than anything else you could do.


We wake up every day and look in the mirror; we see ourselves more than anyone else does. And with that much time to evaluate the person looking back at us, it’s easy to find flaws. The more time you have to examine that reflection the more doubts can creep into your head. Just remember that we are our own harshest critics, and no one is judging you harder than you judge yourself. Just try to see yourself through the eyes of the people that love you, because odds are that’s how you really look.

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