February 7th, 2014 | Uncategorized
Hiya! Hope everyone is having a great week thus far! This week was my first time working with the SportABILITY Program. This program works directly with Disability Sports Northern Ireland (DSNI). It is a program based on disability awareness designed to promote integration and inclusion between disabled and able-bodied children through physical activity and sport. We spent Wednesday morning at Holy Trinity Primary School, where we played a wide array of games. Needless to say, running around with twenty 10-year olds was exhausting, but definitely worth it! They always bring joy to my day, in the questions they ask, the stories they tell me and how much fun they have playing the games.
Wednesday night we had our seventh week of EHOOPS. I’m working with the new West Belfast site. I have to say this was my favorite session yet. During the first hour, we spent time in the computer lab. I sat with two great guys, who kindly answered all my questions. As a group, we all spoke about who inspires us most in our lives and why. Mostly all of the guys picked different football players (and I’m embarrassed to say I have never heard of most of them – I really need to step up my game on my knowledge of the game!) Next, we had a session on basketball. For most of the guys, this is like trying to introduce Gaelic to us in America. Most of them have never played before, but they really seemed to enjoy it. I know I did! We ended the night with some pizza and good conversation. All the guys were really appreciative after the session, and that’s what makes it all worth it! Hope everyone has a great weekend!