February 27th, 2014 | Uncategorized
A lot has been going on in the Dublin front the past few weeks. I’m just back from a three-night adventure to London—my first solo traveling experience, and I have to say it was a great place to start. London is HUGE compared to Dublin, but after canvasing the city Sunday night and Monday morning, I had a good feel for things. I met so many interesting people, and got to meet up with some special old ones as well! The highlight of my trip was being able to see Wicked AND Lion King (thanks mom!). My family does Broadway in NY every Easter and this year I will be in Ireland, so this was a great way to make up for it!
After getting back Wednesday night, I got a nice shiner at my Premier League training. Definitely the most impressive so far—something about Ireland, in my 20 years of playing basketball I had never once had a black eye, and in the past 4 months I’ve had 4… Shelby and I were thoroughly entertained throughout the day seeing everyone reacting to it. We had another clinic with the Trinity NIID group this afternoon, and one of the guys reassured me that his brother had suffered a black eye earlier this year and he had recovered—so there is hope yet!
Two highlights for this coming weekend: first and maybe the most exciting, my mother is boarding a plane right now to come visit me!!!! I am so excited to show her Dublin and get to bring her through my daily routine! Yet this weekend isn’t normal for us—the second highlight is that our U17 Kubs girls play in the Dublin Cup final this Sunday!!
So much excitement and lots of blog inspiration, I will keep you updated!