Like Father, Like Son?

February 3rd, 2014 | Uncategorized

Last week my father was selected to be the coach of the McDonald’s All-American Game. This is the most prestigious High School All-Star game in America. The best players are selected to play in the game. It is a great honor to be selected to coach an all star game with the best players in High School. Players such as Michael Jordan, Shaquille O’neal, LeBron James, and Kobe Bryant played in the game when they were in High School. I don’t know any of the players on the team this year but I’m sure in the future I’ll be able to say “Hey, my dad coached them in the McDonald’s game”.


Alot of people mistake thinking that a coach is a person who trains an athlete or a team. A good coach is so much more then that; he/she is a leader, a mentor, and a role model. My father does all of this and then some more.


I see first hand every summer how players thats not even on his team come to him for help on getting into different high schools and colleges. Many coaches would just look them off because it doesn’t help their team.


Growing up I took for granted how great of a coach I had. My father coached me since I was 8 years old. I’ve been stealing some of his tactics and coaching style to use with the Junior Elks. It’s been paying off because we’ve had a succesful season thus far. Coach Britt and I are going to try our best to keep that going for the remainder of the season. I guess you can say I am trying to follow in his foot steps in becoming a great leader, mentor, and role model!!

I can’t make the trip to Chicago to see the game, but I’ll be sure to catch it on ESPN on April 2nd!


#Legend #Inspire #Victory

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