May 23rd, 2014 | Uncategorized
I meant to post this before I left to travel last week, but it all happened so quick. Finishing up classes, packing up my belongings and moving out of my apartment seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. I wasn’t ready for it, but I don’t think any amount of preparation could have truly made me ready.
I’ve never been good at goodbyes. I realized as I was getting ready to leave that I really can’t say for sure when I will some people again, or whether I will get the chance to see again, people that I have grown to care about. It is the first time in my life that distance will have such a huge impact. Where having those moments and experiences may just be the encompass of friendships, and that will have to be enough.
But I wouldn’t trade a thing. The classmates who became a family for the short period of time we were together, the teammates and the laughs we shared along the way, the coaches I’ve worked with who have helped inspire me to be a better person, the kids I’ve helped and hoped to have touched in some way, the people I came across who have made Ireland a country that is truly remarkable because of the people that live here, and the friends who I have made that I’ll never forget.
I’m off now, traveling around Europe by myself for the next six weeks. But thank you to Sport Changes Life for this truly amazing experience, one that I will never forget! As I am in Spain right now and it’s only appropriate, adios followers!