May 6th, 2014 | Uncategorized
I was asked a few weeks ago by the founder of SCL, Gareth Maguire, “Hey, B Would you like to take a leg on the marathon? 5th of May. It will be good fun.” I then thought to myself: Sure why not! So I told him yes. Now let me tell you, I had no idea what a marathon really involved, besides running. It wasn’t until our package of materials and directions came in that I realized what I had gotten myself into. I had gotten myself into running as a part of a relay team in the Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon for Sport Changes Life. By the way, the Marathon was 26 miles and my role on the relay team was the last leg of the race. Even though I didn’t know, at first, what I was getting myself into, I can truly say that I am so grateful that I did it. To see people not involved in the race coming out, cheering on the sideline–with high fives, passing the runners water; powerade; energy bars; candy, and oranges was an amazing display of teamwork of all forms. Also seeing all the runners from different parts of the community (even the world) come together not based on their age, race, religion, gender, or abilities; but just to run a marathon (in the rain) is another reason to speak of how sport brings people together and goes along with the whole meaning of Sport Changes Life. I, personally, would like to thank SCL again for this opportunity and for the relay team who finished with a time of 4:17. #victory #scl #belfast