Music Changes Life, Too!

September 16th, 2014 | Uncategorized

Even since I landed in Ireland, I have been carrying around my new Martin acoustic guitar.  I have met so many new people over these last four weeks so I have had a load of new people to play for.  It has been great craicc figuring out what type of music to play for the varying cultures in Ireland.   In America it was relatively easy for me to know what type of music they liked by the way they talk, dress, and act.  Since I have no understanding of the Irish culture, I just play random songs until they starting singing along.  I was able to play at a bar in Clonmel, and I have played countless nights for all of the people living in my building.  I also have been writing a lot more origional music since I have been here.  Since my eyes have been opened by experience a new culture, some of the songs seem to come out of nowhere.  My most recent is the song “Nobody could love you the way that I do”.  It is most likely the best song I have ever written.  I think my new home and meeting all these new people indicated to me that there are so many people in this world, and somewhere you are always going to find someone with some advantage over you or someone better at something you do.  
My guitar has helped me break the ice and meet countless new people.  It is interesting watching as people let their guard down when they hear my play guitar.   I assume that because of my American size and presence I can be overwhelming at times, but music seems to calm people down and make me more approachable.  And when you think about it, not too many basketball players have a strong artistic and music background.  Another cool thing about music was the fact that I could bring people from all over the world together because the music market is globally known.   I will carry my guitar and singing throughout my journey through Ireland and hopefully will write a series of songs relating to the Irish and American differences.  Here is a link to the most recent song I have written.  Click Here 
Music, like basketball, is something I am passionate about and has taught me many things throughout life. I hope that by playing both the guitar and basketball, I can inspire young people to follow their own passions.

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