September 8th, 2014 | Uncategorized
A couple of Friday’s ago, a few of the scholars and I taught a boys groups at a school in Clonmel. We were on lunch break around 11am when my sister, Natalie, sent me a picture. It was 6am her time when our Sergeant First Class crazy Uncle Gary had come home and woken her up in bed that morning…all the way from Afghanistan where he had been serving since late January of last year. The chills were immediate as I saw their smiles in the picture, I felt and imagined the words that were said, and the hugs shared. This surprise visit was surely a treat for my family, and even though I couldn’t be there I was thankful he was home and for a little while and safe.
I was coaching the groups of boys on my own that day in Clonmel and found myself being challenged in the morning as we moved onto more advanced drills and teaching points. After my uplifting lunch break, we had one final group. I brought out an extra boost of energy and made sure the kids felt my enthusiasm while switching around a few of my teaching methods. After the sessions were completed, I began teaching a boy (a determined point guard) a few dribbling drills. Soon another, then another boy came over to see what we were doing and began dribbling along with us. I started smiling and laughing to myself at how many more joined our group because I was not expecting it! They were showing me how good they were at the “spider drill” and asking me all sorts of questions. The satisfaction I received after pushing myself and learning how to coach them during the stations prior was rewarding and unexpected as they followed me across the court doing single and double dribbling moves.
I finally got to Face Time with my uncle last night, which reminded me of this experience with the kids in Clonmel. Unfortunately, it was dinnertime at home and I have learned that I will NEVER again Face Time during a home cooked meal made by my mom when my uncle is manning the camera. He teased me waving and spinning every bite of the juicy steak (cooked just how I like it of course) on the fork right in front right of the screen! Anyone reading this who knows him is surely getting a laugh right now.
We all wish you safe travels back on Friday, and will all be thinking about you every day!