September 19th, 2014 | Uncategorized
Well induction into my MSc Sports Management course began with a 3 day retreat. Whenever I hear retreat, I think of a vacation or group gathering with fun and games in a nature setting–not something we would do for induction into a Masters course! As I headed to the middle of nowhere (yes, there is a middle of nowhere in Ireland) with 20 strangers, I had no idea I what I was getting myself into.
Our days were filled with team building games, business creations, making selling points, and shooting off bottle rockets. As the days grew longer, I began to see how all of the class members were opening up to one another and relationships were being built. Then as the nights passed with pub trivia (I knew none of the American questions asked) and cow tipping thoughts, you could see the comfort level of classmates grow. This made me reflect on Ehoops.
They all probably felt/feel the same way I did on that bus and when in I was in room with the other scholars for the first few times. We expect/want them to open up to us without sometimes being understanding of the awkward/unfamiliar situation for them. Being put into those shoes, I now totally understand and will be more aware when I begin a new Ehoops at Tullycarnet on Sept 30th.
The week ended with a competition day of archery, rock climbing, team ski, wheel barrel race, and cart racing. My competitive juices came out and I was successful in most events competed in (Ashley thinks she beat me in rock climbing and I think otherwise so we will have to rematch at some point). I really enjoyed the induction and the way they used a retreat to build relationships in a group-work heavy Masters course. I learned management tools and suggestions through the leadership building obstacles (20 minutes to complete a task with a group) by having fun. This week opened up my eyes to a lot of new ways to accomplish certain goals with different philosophies. Vacation is a fun time were you get to relax and enjoy yourself. Before the retreat, I thought my vacation was over and school was beginning. Now I believe different. The vacation isn’t over, it is still going as I can have fun and enjoy myself still with such great people while taking my courses. It’s just a different style of vacation, School-Vacation!