October 6th, 2014 | Uncategorized
The Elks had another preseason tournament this weekend at Queens University. We went undefeated and ended up winning all seven of our games to win the entire tournament. The best part about it was how dedicated the girls on the team are. We won because we have a group of girls that want to be there, want to play, and want to get better. It’s inspiring to me because these girls want to not only win but to improve their game of basketball.
How you may ask? Well one of our players has work on Saturdays. She came before work to squeeze two games in, then went to work, only to rush back on her lunch break for a game, went back to work, then closed the shop early so she could make the championship game. That’s dedication and that’s only one example. Next we have some very energetic 16 year old Basketball Northern Ireland players who were committed to BNI training on Saturday 1-4 pm. These girls came at 9 am, played as many games as they could squeeze in before they rushed back to University of Ulster for BNI training for three hours. Then they shuttled back over to Queens so they could help us win the championship. We may have won all the games, but to me the commitment to play, improve, and heart my teammates have shown makes me want to improve myself. #ElkNationOnly