October 21st, 2014 | Uncategorized
After a good month or so of great weather (70 degrees, sunny, barely any rain), the real Irish weather has come upon us. The past couple of weeks we have seen constant rain, heavy wind, and colder weather in general. Just like the seasons, change is inevitable. The hard part is just learning how to embrace it!
I’m the type of person who doesn’t mind change – but I also enjoy having a routine at the same time (hypocritical, I know). In college, I fell into the habit of always having a set schedule, mainly because it was crucial to being successful. Here in Ireland, I’ve learned how to be even more open and adaptable to change – both by taking the step to move here and actively living here every day. I know the move itself was a big change, but I want to be careful of falling into a routine or rut while I’m here. I know that if I fall into a constant or mundane routine, I have a bigger chance of feeling homesick!
This past week, I felt the first true pang of homesickness as it was Homecoming Weekend at my alma mater Elon University. I knew the weekend was rapidly approaching on the calendar and tried to avoid acknowledging it at all costs. Luckily, I was able to keep myself plenty busy with coaching the Huskies’ girls Saturday morning, playing a SuperLeague match that afternoon in Dublin, and staying the weekend with fellow scholars Christine and Jen!
I do find myself craving the familiarity of undergrad from time to time (and of course missing my friends and teammates 😉 but just like the philosophy behind Homecoming Weekend, it’s great to see everyone from college branching out and finding their own places in the world. As you can see from my picture, I was “living the maroon life” from Ireland!
Victory Scholar: Kelsey Harris
Sport League: SOCON Sports
Present University: University of Limerick
Alma Mater: Elon University