October 25th, 2014 | Uncategorized
On Saturdays, we help coach a series of girl’s groups at Kubs. Starting from 10am there are the 17 year olds, then until 1pm are the 14’s, and ending at 2pm the under 13 year olds train. The girls who attend are of all different skill levels, they come from different areas around the club, but more importantly all show up consistently to get better and stay committed to their teams. I really have enjoyed working with them because we can talk about the specifics of being a shooting guard and what responsibilities lie in the role, and I have also been able to give adn take ideas for Halloween costumes!
The girls come for their training and work hard, hustle, share the ball, and have fun. It is great to hop in and teach them new drills that Christine and I have learned throughout high school and college. I really feel like we make a great difference coaching and just being at these sessions. The teams and other coaches value our experience and it’s great to use what we have learned to mix up practices and teach new things. We even walked into training and the team was running the “Ganser Drill” – a box out drill she had introduced last week!
We are happy to be a part of these girls’ year playing at Kubs and plan on teaching, learning from them and having fun! We’ve refrained from pulling out the “Sweet Sixteen’s”, (16 foul line to foul line sprints), and the double suicides, as we get the conditioning more through scrimmaging and other full court drills.
…If only this were how it was “back in our day” when getting out of the Second suicide meant making the first one in 28 seconds!…
Victory Scholar: Jennifer Morabito
Sport League: MAAC League
Present University: Trinity College Dublin
Alma Mater: Canisus College