The Doors That Sport Has Opened For Me

February 4th, 2015 | Uncategorized

Ever since I was 8 years old, I’ve been involved competitively in sport. Went from playing baseball, to football, and over time eventually falling in love with the game of basketball. I wasn’t the best baseball player around and football didn’t seem to suit me well, so I took my talents to the basketball court—and this is where I seemed to naturally thrive! This could be contributed to the fact that I’ve always been taller than kids that were my age. Not only was I taller, but also my father played basketball at a very high level, so he would be constantly pushing me to go outside and “work on my game,” as he calls it.


At a young age, I didn’t care too much about basketball, and scholarships were not on my mind. Working on my game is not what I wanted to do. I wasn’t the dedicated 10 year old, outside spending countless amounts of hours shooting, dribbling, or working on my post moves (unlike my little brother). I grew up wanting to hang out in the neighborhood with all my friends— riding bikes around the city, or playing basketball, but playing the way I wanted to play…on the 9 foot goals so I could dunk every time.


The older I’ve gotten the more I’ve learned to appreciate him pushing me to “work on my game” because those simple motivational words have brought me where I am today. As a result of those words, the more I would find myself outside getting some extra shots up. Sometimes I wonder how much better I could’ve been if I actually cared more when I was younger—but no regrets, it is what is it is and basketball has paved a successful path for me in life and has done many great things for me. Basketball has built lifelong friendships, made unforgettable collegiate championships wins, enabled myself to travel, and has even gave me the opportunity to study abroad and play in another country! Without basketball I would not be the awesome person I am today (hehe). In this blog I would like to give a special shout out to Pops–and of course SCL!


Victory Scholar: Darryl Durham

Sport League: Conference Carolinas

Present University: National University of Ireland Galway

Alma Mater: Belmont Abbey College


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