Tick Tock

February 21st, 2015 | Uncategorized

It’s crazy to think that it is almost March and my time in Ireland is ending in June. I don’t like to think about the time, because it goes so fast. The only good thing about time is that it allows relationships to build. If you follow my blog you know about my SheHoops program that ended in December. It was my only group of all girls, and they really made an impact on me.


You tell the kids you’ll see them when the programs end, but in reality, life goes on, we get new eHoops programs and our fun times at UUJ playing sport and sharing pizza becomes a blur. But not with these girls. They kindly harass their favorite mentor and leader Pat to find out when we have home basketball games and try their best to make it to them.


I was honestly taken back when I finally saw a few of the girls in February and they gave me a birthday card and a picture frame of us from one of our favorite SheHoops sessions. My birthday was in January and these girls went out of their way…so not necessary but these are the relationships we’ve built.


I can happily say they are learning the basketball lingo and recently became my good luck charms in our most recent home game. I have taught them to yell “TRAVEL & WALK” when the other team touches the ball! Time is a funny thing, you don’t realize how fast it is going in the moment, and it’s too late when you are looking back. It’s time to continue to make the most of this amazing life I have in Ireland.


Victory Scholar: Caroline Murphy

Present University: University of Ulster

Alma Mater: Gettysburg College

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