March 28th, 2015 | Uncategorized
Learning from one of the Best Shooters in the World!
There is always room to Learn & Improve…
Earlier this month I had a great opportunity to meet one of the best and top shooter in the world…Dave Hopla. Dave came down to Carlow for the day and I had the privilege of meeting him and getting to attend one of his shooting clinics. He has worked with numerous NBA, WNBA, college and high school players all over the world.
During his clinic he kept track of all his shots he took during his lecture and ended up being around 97% for that night. What was amazing was the fact that he has kept track of everyday that he shoots and the number of shots he has taken each day since he was 16 years old.
He was very enthusiastic and passionate during his speech, but my favorite part was all of the energy that he had during his lecture. You could really tell that he truly does love the game of basketball. It was unbelievable and incredible opportunity to watch him shoot and I learn some key and valuable lessons from him. The most valuable lesson that I have learned from Dave is to always have a positive mind set. In his speech he said that repetition is the key to learning and most important there is always room for improvement.