August 31st, 2015 | Uncategorized
As the other scholars and I approached the top of Cave Hill, I found myself looking out on the horizon and saw the outline of Scotland. Out in front of me was a huge city, we were all surrounded by such beauty. I began to reflect on my journey and I started to think about how hard it was going to be for me to adjust in a new country. Then I looked and saw the castle that we had parked by when we first started to hike and it looked so far away. I realized that when I was standing by the castle at the bottom of the hill the hill seemed so high! The journey seemed to be tough and long. However along the way I saw so many different aspects of the hill, took a ton of pictures, even picked up a few flowers for my girlfriend Kelly. When I was at the top I realized this hill was relative to the hill I am climbing everyday in my life. Being in a new country with my family going to bed while I am waking up scares the piss out of me, but if I spend the whole journey worrying about how hard it will be I will miss all the beautiful sights along the way! And that is what life is all about, there is real beauty in that climb.
Victory Scholar: James Zuccaro
Present University: Ulster University
US League: Skyline Conference
Club/Community Partner: Ulster Elks
Alma Mater: College of Mount Saint Vincent
Sponsored by: Teamwear Ireland