Sunday Fun-Day
We started out by making breakfast in Meg and I’s apartment, and then headed to a local pub to watch the Irish rugby match (it’s never too early for a pub in Dublin). From there we raced, literally full-out raced/sprinted through the streets, to the Viking splash tour of Dublin, barely getting there on time. After a great tour, where we rocked our viking hats and harassed people on the street (don’t worry, all part of the tour), we were absolutely starving. We were torn between fish and chips and finding an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet, obviously two of the most authentic Irish dishes in Dublin. People were starting to get ‘hangry’ (combination of hungry-angry, it’s scary trust me) and we finally settled on the buffet; the thought of endless food was just too appealing to us all. After stuffing our faces for a couple hours, we ended our eventful Sunday in a food coma, cuddled together and watching Ratatouille (by far one of the best movies ever made!).
We had a fun day together, filled with too many laughs and too much Chinese food. We were all extremely content, but one thing was missing: a cup of tea. It was not until Katie (aka Foxy) offered to make some and start the kettle that we all realized how much we were craving a nice, warm cup of tea.
We had spent the day together as a group of Americans being tourists in Dublin, but at the end of the day, we were craving the most Irish thing there is, some tea and biscuits. This Irish tradition had become an integral part of all of our nightly routines here in Ireland; a perfect way to end a great day 🙂