December 8th, 2015 | Uncategorized
Every Tuesday evening, members of the Wildcats club cook Katie and I dinner. Lately, John Hayes, our club manager, and his wife, Nelly, have been spoiling us scholars with tasty dinners, desserts and tea before returning back to our study habits in the dorm. But this week, Helena, our special friend and Wildcat teammate, and her family did us the honors this week.
Her dad cooked us lasagna, chips (“fries”), sweet corn, and garlic bread with a side of salad. The meal was mouth-watering to gaze at and was delicious. But tonight’s tradition was a little different than other Tuesday nights. Over the weekend I mentioned my birthday was coming up but didn’t really think anything of it. In the past, my birthday always fell on a game day or an exam day, so a big celebration was never on the agenda.
Once we finished dinner and enjoyed a lovely cup a tea, the kitchen lights turned off. I looked around dazed and confused until I spotted a tiny, lit candle in the middle of the dark room. Suddenly, Helena, her parents, and Katie started singing me happy birthday. Although my birthday is not until Friday, the pie and candle left a huge smile on my face blushing at the idea that they remembered. You would think there is no better feeling than relaxing in a home, but surrounding myself with more and more sincere people in the city of Waterford each and every day is a gift within itself.
Victory Scholar: Jazmen Boone
Present University: Waterford IT
US League: CAA
Club/Community Partner: Waterford Wildcats
Alma Mater: The College of William and Mary
Sponsored by: Teamwear Ireland