January 10th, 2016 | Uncategorized
The Christmas season is always a happy and peaceful time for me and my family and this year was nothing different. I had the privilege of travelling home to be with my family and friends for Christmas and New Years. The feeling of being at home was the best Christmas present I could ever ask for. However, Lil worded the experience perfectly. “Although I’m going home to my family, I feel like I’m leaving behind family here in Ireland.”
The kind words, gestures, and welcoming nature of the people I’ve met so far, have made me feel like family and I’m extremely thankful for that. It is hard to leave people who are so generous during a joyous season like Christmas, but I’m blessed to simply have that feeling.
My family is as perfect as they were when I left for Ireland a few months ago. There is nothing like being home around the holidays. They welcomed me with all the love in the world and of course my favorite food and candy that I’ve missed. Seeing my girlfriend and her family was amazing as well and cannot thank them enough for helping me come home. Our families joined for Christmas dinner which was enough to feed the east coast of the United States and it was phenomenal.(They’re Italian, this was no surprise.)
I am very blessed to have so many people in my life that make me feel like family. I couldn’t have asked for a better trip home but now back to finish what I started with my Irish family.
Victory Scholar: Harrison Deyo
Present University: IT Carlow
US League: MAC
Club/Community Partner: IT Carlow Basketball
Alma Mater: Alvernia University
Sponsored by: Teamwear Ireland