January 11th, 2016 | Uncategorized
The start of the New Year along with a really great vacation that I talk about in my previous blog, provided some time to think of ways that I can promote some individual growth. After much thought I have chosen to fast for the first time in my life. I have always heard others speak of the benefits of fasting in the past such as a higher level of self-discipline and a strengthened spiritual relationship. I have chosen to embark on the Daniel fast, which consist of only eating vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and seeds for ten days. The Daniel fast comes from the book of Daniel in the bible. Daniel was ordered to train for three years in preparation to serve in the king’s palace. The king provided meat and wine for all of the young men who were training to serve in the palace. Daniel asked the Kings chief official to feed him vegetables and fruit for a week. The chief did not want to upset the king for fear that Daniel would not be as physically fit as the other young men. So Daniel asked for a week trial of only vegetables and water. When the week had come to an end Daniel was more fit then any of the other men.
I am excited to start my fasting journey and see what areas of my life will benefit the most. I want to improve my self-discipline and gain total control over my mind and body. What a better way than to test myself through my desire for certain foods that I love. One of my goals while here in Ireland was to grow as a man in every area possible. I think that my fasting journey is a perfect opportunity for me to grow spiritually, physically, and mentally. I will be fasting for ten days starting on Monday the 11th of January. I will be posting my daily progress on Facebook and Instagram throughout the ten days. I will do at least one detailed blog about my journey after I get about four to five days in, so look out for that. Pray for me during my fasting journey. I am missing the taste of smoked salmon already hahaha. Thanks for reading my blog have an awesome week. “To God Be The Glory”
Victory Scholar: Jonathan McNair
Present University: Ulster University
US League: East Coast Conference
Club/Community Partner Ulster Elks/ Andersonstown Tigers
Alma Mater: St Thomas Aquinas College
Sponsored By: Teamwear Ireland