February 3rd, 2016 | Uncategorized
This weekend Emily and I got the opportunity to coach at a clinic for our club team, the Meteors. The girls were all under 10, which made for a very entertaining session. Of course we had the usual energetic and outgoing 9 year olds that wanted to talk about America and find out all about Emily and myself. But my attention went to a young girl who was new to the clinic. She was in the back of the group, standing with her shoulders hunched and looking down. She looked uncomfortable and clearly was very shy. When we started the first game and she did not want to even dribble the ball, it was clear that she needed some encouragement and support to get comfortable in her environment. Emily and I made it a point to each spend some time with her; I ran along side her and encouraged her in the dribbling relays, and Emily cheered her on as she learned some form shooting- it actually made it a lot of fun for everyone! We both bombarded everyone, espically her with high fives and smiles. By the end of the session, she was smiling and playing around with the other girls. It is crazy how infectious attitudes are! It was so nice to see that change in her in just one session, and it makes me excited to see how she can transform as she continues to come!
Victory Scholar: Meghan McGuinness
Present University: Trinity College Dublin
US League Partner: MAAC
Club/Community Partner: Meteors Ladies Basketball
Alma Mater: Niagara University
Sponsored by: Teamwear Ireland