February 12th, 2016 | Uncategorized
The friends that I’ve made here have made this whole experience more memorable and have allowed me to adjust much easier. We usually cook together twice a week and end up hanging out and talking for hours after. I’ve learned a lot about them, growing up in Ireland vs. the U.S, and just unique stories they have to share.
We all take turns cooking and making new things for each other. We’ve had everything from an Irish fry to cottage pie and everything in between. There’s also never a shortage of deserts and sweets to snack on.
A neighboring club added an American to their team a few months back and he decided to take classes and play for I.T. Carlow’s college team. He always joins us when we hang out and it adds a different dynamic to the group.
These times are ones I’ll remember forever because of the chemistry we’ve developed and all the great laughs. I can’t thank them enough for getting me adjusted so effortlessly to a different country and culture. You lads and ladettes know who you are and I thank you for the great times and for the life-long friendships we’ve made!
Victory Scholar: Harrison Deyo
Present University: IT Carlow
US League: MAC
Club/Community Partner: IT Carlow Basketball
Alma Mater: Alvernia University
Sponsored by: Teamwear Ireland