February 12th, 2016 | Uncategorized
My year as a Victory Scholar has allowed me time to set new goals for when Sport Changes Life, basketball and school come to an end. When I look forward to discern what’s next, I find myself looking back- back at what it was about being an athlete that made the experience so personally rewarding to me. Why did I bother playing basketball for so long in the first place?
My love from the game has evolved over the years. What started out as a pure love of playing progressed into something more. My enjoyment later came from doing everything I could to be the best that I could be. I was addicted to getting better. I got satisfaction out of the hours and hours I would put in in the gym, outside in the summer sun, even going as far as dribbling basketballs (that’s right, more than one) up steep hills, anything it took to get better and leaving no doubt in my mind that I would be the best that I could be at something. The pursuit of excellence was a reward that I didn’t necessarily have trophies and medals to show for, but it was worthwhile that I could look at myself in the mirror at the end of the day and be proud of what I accomplished to achieve my dreams. Then one day, I did have something to show for it: a schoalrship to to play Divison 1 basketball.
I’ve learned through basketball that having goals brings out my best self. I’ve discovered the satisfaction from accomplishing something that I couldn’t before. Pressure from outside forces, be them coaches, teachers or the like, will provide the roadmap towards being great. But ultimately, to truly grow towards achieving a goal, no one can want it more than you.
What I found in basketball can be found in any dream that I want to become a reality. I can continue to find reward in the process, not just the accomplishment.It’s this potential that i’m trying to find shifting through countless job descriptions more than anything else. When I flip to the page of the next chapter in my life in a few short months, I want it to be rewarding not just in the sense that I enjoy what I do, but that I enjoy the process of getting better at it. I can only hope that I can find what made sport so worthwhile to me in what comes next.
Victory Scholar: Clare Sullivan
Present University: Ulster University
US League Partner: Patriot League
Club/Community Partner: Ulster Elks
Alma Mater: The College of the Holy Cross
Sponsored by: Teamwear Ireland