March 16th, 2016 | Uncategorized
The app Timehop may possibly be the greatest and worst app on my iPhone. It reminds me of all the weird and embarrassing things my friends and I have posted over the years, but it also reminds me of all the awesome memories I have had as well.
A year ago yesterday, March 15, 2015, was the day my college team, St. Francis Brooklyn won our first ever Northeast Conference Championship. As I looked at my Timehop yesterday, I was reminded of this wonderful day a year ago, with countless pictures of my team, the trophy, as well as the various congratulations messages I received. It made me very nostalgic to look back at these memories and remember how amazing it felt to win that championship and everything that came with it. To this day, it is one of the most amazing, exciting moments of my life. I will forever cherish that day and all the hard work and memories that come along with it.
It blows my mind how quickly time is going, I cannot believe that we won a championship a year ago. Time is really flying! Learning from that experience and how quickly it came and went, makes me reflect on my time here. It not only has been one of the fastest years of my life; but before I know it, I will be looking back on Timehop at the pictures from a year ago, all about my time in Ireland. I will look back at those photos and year of my life so fondly.
I have about two months left, and I am going to make the absolute most of it in this great country.
Victory Scholar: Sarah Benedetti
Present University: University of Limerick
US League: NEC
Club/Community Partner: UL Huskies
Alma Mater: St. Francis College
Sponsored by: Teamwear Ireland