What’s Next….

March 28th, 2016 | Uncategorized

Lately it seems like there have been so many people who have reached out to me asking about my plans for next year.  The year coming to and end with only a few months left before I am headed back to America has made me think about what all I want to do going forward.  I know I will continue to pursue my goals as a basketball player, nonetheless being here in Ireland and the experience I have gained through the victory scholar program has made me think more about all of the other great things that I can do along with basketball.  I have come to one decision about my future going forward that I know will not change.  I have decided that I will make decisions about my future without fear of getting things wrong or making mistakes along the way.  The children I have been working with over this past year have inspired me to make decisions without the fear of failure.  I have noticed that children will always do the things that make them happy in the practice sessions.  I can tell a group of 4-7 year olds to put their basketballs against the wall and some children will spin around and throw their ball, some children will bounce their ball off their head, and some may even try to do a back flip and kick the ball.  I learned two lessons from the first time this happened; first I needed to give children this age more specific instructions and second its amazing how creativity can be sparked when we are not controlled by fear.   Often times fear can control our life decisions especially our career goals.  When asked what we plan to do next the cliché response would be to give some goal or career plan that both you and the person you are speaking to can easily say, “I can see that happening”.  I don’t want that feeling at all I hope my goals make people doubt my ability to accomplish them or instantly think about how difficult it will be to accomplish.  The fear of failing can steal away your ability to do amazing world changing things in life.  I look forwarded to the possibility of doing something that may not workout.  I don’t think true growth can come without some kind of failure. My only goal is to not let my career decisions be controlled by fear and to make sure that I fail forward so that I grow from every experience.  “To God Be The Glory”   


Present University: Ulster University

US League: East Coast Conference

Club/Community Partner Ulster Elks/ Andersonstown Tigers

Alma Mater: St Thomas Aquinas College

Sponsored By: Teamwear Ireland


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