This week Pat and I have had the privilege of coaching young kids at Holywood Golf Club. To be honest, I was hesitant on how it would go because I haven’t coached young kids before and I was running on a week-long cold.
Despite this, coaching became something I was looking forward to everyday. The kids in the camp gave me pure joy. Yes, they were wild at times, but for the majority of the time, they were respectable, alert, and truly looked like they were having fun.
It seemed like they were keen about me as well, which I loved. Hearing all of them call me Ray, asking for advice, and being really good students just melted my heart. By the end of the week I did leave with some bruises and bumps from getting hit with the club or ball, but they were far overshadowed by the smile I was left with.
Not only did the kids walk away with some new things to work on with their game, but I walked away learning a few things about myself. I think that’s what coaching/teaching is all about though—always learning new ways to improve yourself. This week I learned that I am a very patient person. Some of the students didn’t get the drill or do an action after the first time, but I didn’t get frustrated or lose hope. I also learned that I need to find different ways to communicate simpler. I can’t wait to see what is next for me and coaching!