We’ve all, at some point in our life, gone out of our way to help someone and not received any acknowledgement or recognition for our efforts. You shouldn’t always give with expectations of something in return, but it’s definitely a plus to feel appreciated. After coaching here for the past few months I’ve found one huge difference between American and Irish basketball players. At the end of every practice or skills session almost all of my players no matter what age say thank you to me. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not sure if I’ve ever said that to a coach before leaving the gym. Honestly, unless it was an individual session or workout I’ve never even thought to say it. This isn’t out of disrespect for the coaches I’ve had, but because it’s just not a common occurrence among athletes at most levels from what I’ve seen. Looking back, I wish I had said thank you more often. With exception to high level coaches, most are paid a minimal amount if they’re even paid at all. From the perspective of a coach now, this small gesture can go a long way. A great deal of coaches are not in it for the money, but out of the goodness of their hearts.
Thank you to the dedicated coaches that work day in and out to improve the skills of athletes. Thank you for teaching invaluable lessons. Thank you for showing up every day and giving it your all. Thank you for caring.