Common Ground

Posted By: Raychelle Santos
Posted On: January 22nd, 2017
Attending: Ulster University

Following this recent inauguration I have come to the realization that all we need is a little bit of hope and love. Yes, I voted for Trump and yes I am totally in shock by the way American citizens and others around the world are acting. Why is it that because I voted for someone that I think is better fit to run the country I am all of the sudden deemed to be a “bad person”, a racist, or even uneducated? Because I have my own opinion and I see the world in a different way? I don’t get it. Why cant we give people a chance? I think its because we want to believe what the media is portraying to us. Instead why not base your opinion on someone according to facts, unbiased news, away from the outside noise we might read from Facebook? Don’t we have the right to our own opinion? Why is it okay to destroy businesses, properties, and others because we are mad things didn’t go our way? It doesn’t make sense at all.

Ultimately, I think the point of my rant is that there are multiple layers to the story and to any person that you come into contact with. We need to go beneath the surface and realize that most people’s intentions are not bad but come from good unless they’re complete lunatics (yes those exist). We need hope that everything is going to be okay. Even when we think the worst is to come the worst really could have been worse. Today and most days I am surrounded by friends who may or may not have the same opinion or background but, I always seem to find a commonality. Finding that commonality is key, there is always something we can find in common with someone else whether, that’s a sport, hobby, passion, or no matter what. When that is achieved anything can happen for the good. Lets challenge ourselves to find neutral ground with someone we may see totally different views with? You never know what that may lead to.


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