Today marks SIX MONTHS that we have been living in Ireland. HALF OF A YEAR PEOPLE. I can hardly believe it myself. As I take a scroll through all of my previous blogs, I’m amazed at how quickly time has eluded me. I’m different than who I was and feel like I’ve had such enormous growth throughout this six-month journey. It’s interesting how when a person goes through change, whether it’s from the ending of a chapter or a new beginning, it feels everlasting. But when it does pass and you’re able to look back, you surprise yourself at how far you’ve truly come. And I believe it’s times like these that make life so special and unique to each individual. Each person has their own story and their journey is all their own. Nobody is perfect, but the path you take through life is perfect for you and only you. And I’d say that is something pretty special in itself. As people grow and mature, I think one of the biggest and most important realizations is that they should live their lives staying true to who they are and what they want instead of trying to be what everyone tells them they should be. But enough with all that deep talk. This blog is meant to be about the adventure Lace and I took to celebrate how far we’ve come. I bet you’re wondering where we went and got that incredible-looking pizza and burger as shown in my blog photo. A couple different people had told us about this awesome place that sells delicious burgers and pizzas and the name is pretty clever; Burrza! Since the weather was so lovely, we decided to plug it into our phones and make the 38-minute walk (which wasn’t bad at all). Haha the exercise actually made us feel a lot better for what we were about to eat! We wanted to try both the pizza and a burger so we ordered both and split. I ordered a pepperoni margherita pizza and Lace ordered “The Grazer” burger. It was stuffed with cheddar cheese, topped with mozzarella, bacon, and Burzza relish. It was oh so yummy and I’d eat there every day if I could! The whole time we just reminisced about the memories we’ve had so far and talked about how life would be in less than 3 months when we would be moving back home. After eating, we made our way back to the dorm but passed an ice-cream place so it was only right to try some dessert. I’m really thankful to have had Lace as my roommate and we’ve definitely built a friendship that will extend far after the program ends. I’m excited to take on these last couple of months!