This past week has been “one of those weeks” to say the least. With the last week of classes approaching quickly, the avalanche of work is upon me. One of the hardest adjustments academically has been the timeline of assignments here in Ireland. Back home, we would have an assessment every four weeks for each class, never really ending up on the same day. However, in Ireland, there seems to only be one or two major assignments per subject, and they always seem to land on the same deadline. That deadline mentioned above, was this week. After countless days, nights, and early mornings, I have handed in my last assignment for the term. After about 200 pages of assignments, 45 minutes in presentations, and a worn out keyboard on my laptop, I have successfully made it through the week.
Now with that being said, it also didn’t help that the first week of the March madness tournament fell on these days as well. Back in college this was a national holiday for my friends and I, we would set up 4 big screen TVs in our common room, and essentially not move for 72 hours, making sure we caught every single minute of the tournament. With the time difference here in Ireland, the West Coast games weren’t starting till around 3-4 in the morning. I’m sure you’re thinking oh man there is no way he could stay up and watch these games, wrong, my addiction to college basketball forced me to stay awake. And I soon fell into a pattern of doing schoolwork all day, just so I could stay up and watch March madness all night.
With basketball and classes wrapping up within the next few weeks, I look forward to catching up on some sleep, as well as getting back into a normal routine to finish out the year.